Day: August 4, 2024

Sem Lala “Flipside” at Hot Wheels Athens London

Sem Lala “Flipside” at Hot Wheels Athens London

The conceptual and material action of splitting determines the two-part continuation of “Flipside.” Meaning is positioned as interdependent, disruptions and reiterations trouble the coherence of a visual field, and the ideological relations that constitute an art object are centered, leaving the stuff of language, excess, and embodiment to the crevices that condition the works on …

Sem Lala “Flipside” at Hot Wheels Athens London Read More »

Hard Truths: Should an Artist Sell Out to Get Some Decent Studio Space?

Hard Truths: Should an Artist Sell Out to Get Some Decent Studio Space?

With a world in crisis and an art market spinning out of control, ace art-world consultants Chen & Lampert deliver hard truths in response to questions sent by Art in America readers from far and wide. I lost the lease on my studio and can’t afford another in today’s market. There is half a room at home that I …

Hard Truths: Should an Artist Sell Out to Get Some Decent Studio Space? Read More »