Girl with a painted face. An example of images on DeviantArt

DeviantArt: A Comprehensive Guide to the Online Art Community

DeviantArt has been a cornerstone of the online art community since its inception in 2000. This platform provides a unique space for artists to share their work, connect with others, and even monetize their creativity. With over 70 million registered members and hundreds of millions of submissions, DeviantArt remains one of the internet’s largest and …

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Brutalist Architecture: History, Characteristics, and Global Impact

Brutalist architecture, with its raw, unadorned concrete surfaces and imposing geometric forms, has long been a subject of intense debate. Emerging in the mid-20th century, this architectural style is both celebrated for its boldness and criticized for its austere aesthetics. This article delves into the history, key characteristics, global impact, and notable examples of Brutalist …

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Sem Lala “Flipside” at Hot Wheels Athens London

Sem Lala “Flipside” at Hot Wheels Athens London

The conceptual and material action of splitting determines the two-part continuation of “Flipside.” Meaning is positioned as interdependent, disruptions and reiterations trouble the coherence of a visual field, and the ideological relations that constitute an art object are centered, leaving the stuff of language, excess, and embodiment to the crevices that condition the works on …

Sem Lala “Flipside” at Hot Wheels Athens London Read More »

Hard Truths: Should an Artist Sell Out to Get Some Decent Studio Space?

Hard Truths: Should an Artist Sell Out to Get Some Decent Studio Space?

With a world in crisis and an art market spinning out of control, ace art-world consultants Chen & Lampert deliver hard truths in response to questions sent by Art in America readers from far and wide. I lost the lease on my studio and can’t afford another in today’s market. There is half a room at home that I …

Hard Truths: Should an Artist Sell Out to Get Some Decent Studio Space? Read More »

Daphna Laszlo-Katzor: Capturing Moments through Surrealism

Daphna Laszlo-Katzor: Capturing Moments through Surrealism

The Journey from Commercial to Art Photography Daphna Laszlo-Katzor, a distinguished graduate of the photography department at The NB Haifa School of Design, has a rich background in commercial photography. Her career began with a focus on fashion and portrait photography, working for one of Israel’s leading newspapers. This experience expanded when she established her …

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The Artistic Flourish of Art Nouveau in Germany

Introduction to Art Nouveau in Germany Art Nouveau, known as Jugendstil in Germany, emerged as a transformative artistic movement at the turn of the 20th century. Characterized by its sinuous lines, organic forms, and intricate details, Art Nouveau sought to break away from the academic traditions of the past and embrace a more natural and …

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James Webb Space Telescope Photos 09

Breathtaking James Webb Space Telescope Photos Of 2024

In 2024, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captivated the world with breathtaking images that showcase distant galaxies, nebulae, star formations, and exoplanet atmospheres with unprecedented clarity. Among the highlights are the vibrant Carina Nebula and detailed views of exoplanet atmospheres, revealing their compositions and hinting at potential life beyond our solar system. Interacting …

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A person standing in front of paintings

Art Styles: Exploring Different Perspectives

Art has been integral to human culture for centuries, reflecting societies, histories, and individual expressions. Understanding different art styles can deepen our appreciation for the rich tapestry of artistic expression. This article will explore five prominent art styles, delving into their characteristics, historical context, and notable examples. 1. Art styles: Realism – Capturing the World …

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