home decor

How to Stage a Property Using The Picturalist Products

How to Stage a Property Using The Picturalist Products

Staging a property is a strategic process that involves preparing the space, making it more appealing to more potential buyers. Not everyone has the vision to see past your furniture. If potential buyers walk into an empty property that isn’t staged, a lot of people won’t be able to envision themselves living there. Utilizing great products …

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Embrace Autumn's Cozy Charm with Framed Artwork for Your Country House

Embrace Autumn's Cozy Charm with Framed Artwork for Your Country House

At The Picturalist, we offer a curated selection of framed art and photography that’s perfect for decorating your country house during the fall season. Our pieces capture the essence of autumn – from golden forests to cozy interiors bathed in warm, soft light. Here are some ideas to infuse your home with autumnal ambiance: As …

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